Pupil Support
The school as a whole has a responsibility to promote the social, personal and intellectual development of all pupils. Within this requirement there is the necessity to organise a systematic approach to cater for the needs of the individual pupil.
Mrs L Kennedy, Depute Headteacher, has overall responsibility for Pupil Support in the school.
Pupil Support Team
Douglas House
Mr P Downie, Depute Head Teacher
Mrs V Wilson, Principal Teacher - Pupil Support
Mr C MacPherson, Principal Teacher - Pupil Support
Eccles House
Mrs L Kennedy, Depute Head Teacher
Mrs H Gray, Principal Teacher - Pupil Support
Mrs W McQuillan, Principal Teacher - Pupil Support
Randolph House
Mr K McAdam, Depute Head Teacher
Mrs V Wilson, Principal Teacher - Pupil Support
Stewart House
Mr A Hamilton, Depute Head Teacher
Miss S Robb, Principal Teacher - Pupil Support
Snowdon House
Mrs L Kennedy, Depute Head Teacher
Miss L Nelson, Principal Teacher, Pupils Support
Mrs A Devoy, Principal Teacher - Equity
Mr P Docherty, Inclusion Support Worker
Mr J Ferguson, Inclusion Support Worker
Additional Support Needs
Mrs F McCabe, Principal Teacher - Additional Support Needs
Mrs K Edwards, Teacher - Additional Support Needs
Mr R Gould, Teacher - Additional Support Needs
Mr C McIllwaine, Teacher - Additional Support Needs
Mr M McPherson, Teacher - Additional Support Needs
Miss W McQuillan, Teacher - Additional Support Needs
Mr G Armstrong, Teacher - Additional Support Needs
Mrs E Harrington, Teacher - Additional Support Needs
Form Tutors
When young people first start at Stirling High School, they are placed in a Form Class in the charge of a Form Tutor. This teacher is responsible for supervising pupil attendance, absence, distributing letters and notifying pupils daily of events happening in the school as well as having responsibility for delivering the PSE Programme.
Young People soon develop a close relationship with their Form Tutor because they see their Form Tutor on a daily basis and because they remain with the same Form Tutor as they progress from one year to the next. This relationship may be such that young people will confide to their Form Tutor any problems that are worrying them or difficulties they are experiencing. The Form Tutor will always do their best to resolve these difficulties but should they persist, the pupils will be advised to consult their Pupil Support Teacher. Mrs McCabe, Principal Teacher Additional Support Needs, works with all the house groups and is responsible for the deployment of staff to support any pupils with Additional Needs. The Principal Teacher Pupil Support works closely with the Form Tutors on a daily basis.
Each pupil will have at least one timetabled interview per year with their Form Tutor. Most pupils will be interviewed more regularly than this for a variety of reasons. Members of the team will be pleased to discuss with parents any matters of concern.
All Pupil Support staff play an active role in the Primary-Secondary Transition arrangements in order to know the pupils for whom they will have responsibilities in August.